Our first Interactive Oral Activity was planned on the 15th of February. Based on the subject Media & Culture, we chose to talk about the invasion of privacy of celebrities.
Our main problem during preparation was the type of form. Eventually we decided to do an interview, with some elements of a talk show. Instead of having a conversation between two people, we made up three people: two being interviewed and one interviewer. This caused some problems in the amount of text and role division. It has been a good choice though, because now we showed two sides of the issue: the experiences of a celebrity and the experiences of a journalist. We divided the amount of text evenly by dividing the role of the interviewer.
Sabine and I have worked together before, so this was no problem at all. This has been our first presentation together though. To be more comfortable, we kept the written text with us during the presentation. Unfortunately this also caused reading out pieces of text and ended up to be our main point of criticism. Personally, I was bothered by the fact I could hear myself making mistakes while the content of the text was formed quite well.
I think the form of an interview suited us and our division of roles worked out pretty good. We doubted if it would get confusing, but it did not. I’m also satisfied with the content of our interview. Our collaboration worked out fine, but I didn’t expect problems because we’ve done projects together before.
We’re both not fond of standing in front of the class, so taking that in consideration the performance was okay. Next time we could try to use keywords, instead of the whole text.
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